SANDWICH – Dawson Schnabel is a candy lover.
As he watched Sandwich Park District’s Freedom Days Parade march through downtown Sandwich on Saturday, the 11-year-old had a bag open to collect the lollipops and other candy being given out during the parade. Dawson also liked watching the tractors and vintage vehicles that were part of the parade.
He attended the parade with his sister Romie, who is almost 2, and their mother, Jennifer Schnabel. This was the first time the Sandwich family had attended the parade in several years.
Dawson previously participated in the parade when he was 4, he said.
Sandwich City Administrator Geoff Penman grew up watching the parade.
On Saturday, Penman was watching the parade with his 16-year-old daughter, Paige. He said what separates the Freedom Days Parade from other parades is that the entire area is represented in the parade, not just Sandwich.
Those in downtown Sandwich for the parade also could take in Sandwich Fire Protection District’s seventh annual “Blaze in the City” car and bike show.
Sandwich resident Ron Schumaker participated in the show with his 1969 Chevrolet Camaro. He said he’s owned the car for five years and participates in local car shows.
“I used to have a ‘68 Camaro and I sold it,” Schumaker said. “I wish I wouldn’t of, and I found this one. It needed a lot of work when I bought it.”
Schumaker said he likes the speed and performance of the car.
“It’s got a five-speed transmission and is 540 horsepower,” Schumaker said. “So it moves around pretty good.”
He also owns a 2013 Chevrolet Camaro that he bought new.
“That’s what I normally drive,” he said. “I just drive this mostly to shows. I like the style and look of Camaros.”
Schumaker likes being part of car shows and talking to other classic car owners.
“I like to see what they’ve done to them. It might give some ideas to do something different, you know.”