Oswego resident looking to create sweetness for everyone

Tiffany Jones bakes cookies, cakes and other treats through her online business

Tiffany Jones of Oswego, who bounced back from homelessness, started Cake Charming, LLC. out of her home. Jones beat out more than 2,200 businesses nationwide to compete in SCORE's 60th Anniversary Pitch Competition last fall, finishing as a finalist.

Oswego resident Tiffany Jones took up baking in 2016 as she was going through a divorce.

“It was more therapeutic at the time,” Jones said. “I found this one recipe and I began to just experiment with the recipe and my kids and friends were like, ‘You got to sell these cookies.’ ”

These days, Jones is selling those cookies and more through her online business, Cake Charming LLC.

Tiffany Jones of Oswego, who bounced back from homelessness, started Cake Charming LLC out of her home. Jones outperformed over 2,200 businesses nationwide to become a finalist in SCORE's 60th Anniversary Pitch Competition last fall.

Jones, who also overcame homelessness, knows the importance of being sweet to yourself.

“Everyone needs to be sweet to themselves and these cookies will do it for you,” she said.

She took her sweets to a wider audience last year when she participated in SCORE’s 60th Anniversary Pitch Competition.

SCORE, also known as the Service Corps of Retired Executives, is a nonprofit organization that provides free counseling and mentoring to small businesses. Jones beat out more than 2,200 businesses nationwide to participate in the competition. She finished among the top 10 finalists in the Des Moines pitch competition last September.

“It was exciting,” Jones said. “It was super exciting. I didn’t win, but at the end of the day, it was a great experience.”

The business is a family affair. Her son, Hakeem, helps out with the website, along with marketing materials. That includes taking photos for the website.

“My mom is a fantastic baker,” he said. “This is a really viable product from a business sense. Everyone loves cookies. And this is everybody’s special cookie that tastes great.”

Tiffany Jones of Oswego, with her son Hakeem, started Cake Charming LLC out of her home. Jones outperformed over 2,200 businesses nationwide to become a finalist in SCORE's 60th Anniversary Pitch Competition last fall.

He still remembers the taste of the birthday cake she made for him when he was a high school student.

“I liked the nice, rich buttery texture of the cake,” he said.

As part of her business, she bakes a variety of cakes and cookies. Her cookies include such mouth-watering treats as Cognac Pecan Chocolate Chip as well as Brookie, which combines a chewy cookie and a fudgy brownie.

Tiffany Jones of Oswego, who bounced back from homelessness, started Cake Charming LLC out of her home. Jones outperformed over 2,200 businesses nationwide to become a finalist in SCORE's 60th Anniversary Pitch Competition last fall.

“I try to come up with fun names,” Jones said.

Her creations have earned plenty of fans. One customer commented on her website that “the Oreo cake is simply amazing. Frosting was perfect and the cake was moist and delicious!”

“People ask me, ‘What’s your secret?' she said. ”I just put love and joy in it."

Jones has customers from all across the area, including Chicago. Those who attended the village’s Christmas Walk in December had the chance to try her treats as she was one of the food vendors at the event.

Jones hopes to expand her business.

“I really think that it would be cool to have a hot cookie food truck,” she said. “There isn’t a dessert truck currently in Oswego.”

Opening her own bakery is also an option she is considering.

Jones, who received assistance with a place to live and mentorship through Bridge Communities, pays it forward by contributing to the Glen Ellyn-based nonprofit organization.

“When I can, I am donating money to Bridge Communities,” she said. “I just want to give back.”

More information about Cake Charming LLC is available at its website, cakecharmingllc.com.