City Council, data center developer postpone discussion on Yorkville’s 100-foot setback rules

Yorkville City Council voted to annex 270-acres adjacent to Eldamain Road

270 acres of unincorporated farmland is the site of another data center campus development project proposal with the city of Yorkville by developers Daniels Malinski Yorkville Family, LLP.

Following a previous debate in which a potential data center developer challenged Yorkville’s city rules on setbacks from roadways and residential areas, the issue for another planned data center was kicked further down the road by city officials.

While the City Council did approve the necessary annexation and rezoning requirements for the Daniels Malinksi Yorkville Family, LLP, data center to move forward, they did not address the setback issue for the current property.

The 270-acres of current farmland is located north of U.S. 34, west of Beecher Road and Kendall Marketplace, and adjacent to Eldamain Road. The unincorporated property was annexed by unanimous decision at the City Council’s Jan. 14 meeting.

Alderman Chris Funkhouser again raised the issue of the data center developers having to follow Yorkville’s current 100-foot setback ordinance. City officials said the issue will be readdressed when official development plans come before them for a full vote.

“This agreement does subject the future developer to come back in front of city council before a development plan is approved, which will allow us to do things like set buffers, setbacks, landscaping, and the overall site,” Yorkville City Administrator Bart Olson said.

Funkhouser previously raised concerns when another potential data center, by developers Kelaka LLC asked the city to forgo their setback ordinance. He argued the 100-foot setback is consistent with the rules other developments are following and that they provide the necessary buffer between residents and the manufacturing areas.