Sandwich eyes lowering speed limit downtown

Smoking regulations also being considered

The line to get into the Taste of Sandwich stretched across Railroad Street in the city’s downtown before the tents opened at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 28 2022.

Sandwich Mayor Todd Latham is proposing the city lower the speed limit in the downtown and possibly regulate smoking in front of businesses as a way to make the area more welcoming.

Latham would like to set the speed limit in the downtown at 20 mph. He has talked previously about the idea.

During the July 1 Committee-of-the Whole Council meeting, he talked about how doing so would help the city in its efforts to make the downtown more pedestrian friendly and a destination spot.

“I see people fly through there,” Latham said. “I was at the Cub Scout pancake breakfast on Sunday and someone went flying down the street, probably going more than 30 miles an hour. … I do think it’s in our best interest to slow the speed down.”

The speed limit in downtown Sandwich is 30 mph. Latham also took note of the historic nature of the downtown.

“It’s the charm and beauty of our community,” he said.

Latham also voiced concerns about people smoking in front of buildings in the downtown. The Smoke-free Illinois Act, which took effect on Jan. 1, 2008, prohibits smoking in enclosed public places and places of employment and within 15 feet of entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes.

Latham said he wasn’t against smoking.

“I just think it should be done in a manner that doesn’t inhibit others,” he said. “They should follow the law.”

The DeKalb County Health Department has the authority to enforce that law, Sandwich City Attorney Cassandra Gottschalk said. Gottschalk said she will look at the city’s options.

“If we can clearly determine what’s public property, then we can specifically say there is no smoking at all on public property,” she said.

Third Ward Alderman Bill Fritsch asked if people could be ticketed for littering if there are cigarette butts on the ground.

“Sure, I would say,” Latham said.