Students in the Yorkville School District 115 can now see their calendar for next year, and middle school students will have some new course options in the coming year.
Y115 school board members voted unanimously and without discussion to approve the 2024-25 school year calendar and several new courses at their Nov. 27 meeting.
Next school year will begin on Aug. 15, 2024, and end May 28, 2025.
School board members also approved six new courses for seventh and eighth grade students that are intended to begin in the 2024-25 school year.
There will be two new engineering courses and computer science courses for both grades. A new music course will be available to seventh and eighth graders, and Intro to Entrepreneurship will replace the eighth grade Business Basics course.
For a detailed list of the new courses to be offered, view the agenda item here.
The school board also approved changes to course fees for the 2024-25 school year, which were kept the same as the previous year, with some lab-based course fees eliminated.
The extra cost associated with these lab-based courses will be absorbed by the school district, in an attempt to lower the financial burden on families and remove any financial disincentives or barriers for students when selecting an area of study. To see a list of the course fee changes, view the agenda item here.