U.S. Air Force veteran Larry Cabeen flew C-130 cargo and transport planes in addition to his 37 years as a pilot for United Airlines. He’s flown at least 25,000 hours.
He is nearing his sixth year on the Geneva School District 304 Board, most recently chosen as its president.
“As president, I get to do some really good things. I’ll cite one – (selecting) Andy Barrett as superintendent,” Cabeen said. “I feel like I’m helping the community.”
Cabeen also volunteers at the Peck Farm Park Butterfly House with his wife, Pam.
“My wife said, ‘Let’s do this. It’ll be fun,’ ” Cabeen said of how he added to his volunteerism.
“It’s one of the things I really look forward to, being around people who are not my same age,” Cabeen said. “And in this case, a lot of experience working with kids and young adults and people with special needs. It’s a microcosm of the world passing through the Butterfly House. How can you go wrong with butterflies?”
Before he moved to Geneva, Cabeen lived in St. Charles and served as president of his homeowners association and president of the trustee board at Baker Memorial United Methodist Church.
It’s the same church where he and Pam were married.
Barrett said veterans give so much in service to their country and their communities “and that is what Larry has done and continues to do, being a school board member, serving his community, trying to make it better.”
Working with Cabeen is always upbeat, no matter the circumstances, Barrett said.
“He’s always very positive,” Barrett said. “He can always find a way to look at something positively and find a way to help you look at a situation and find a bright side – and help make things better.”