The St. Charles City Council has approved development plans for River West Animal Hospital, which will be located directly across the street from an existing animal hospital.
The ordinance was approved unanimously at the June 19 meeting as part of the omnibus vote without discussion.
The development application was submitted by Luigi Randazzo of Keystone Planning and Design on April 12, and the plans have been discussed and recommended for approval by members of the St. Charles Plan Commission and planning and development committee during recent meetings.
River West Animal Hospital will be located at 2377 W. Main St. (Route 64), just west of Randall Road. The lot is 1.3 acres of former farmland on the south side of Route 64 with Firestone Tire to the east, Rental Max to the west and the Fox River Harley-Davidson to the south.
The proposed site is just across Route 64 from Loyal Companions Animal Hospital and Pet Resort, located at 2312 W Main St.
According to the application, the proposed animal hospital’s main service offering will be walk-in urgent and wellness veterinary care.
The property is owned by Thomas Zylstra of Zylstra Farms, LLC and Zylstra Harley-Davidson. The lot is one of 10 in the Zylstra PUD, approved in 2005, which encompasses 35 acres west of Randall Road between Route 64 and Oak Street.
The applicant is proposing a 6,000-square-foot, 26-foot tall, one-story building that will front Route 64 with parking on the west and south sides of the building. It will be accessed by the private drive that connects Route 64 with Oak Street to the south.
Building plans call for a reception and waiting area, exam rooms, treatment spaces and a pet relief area outside that will be fenced and monitored by staff.
The animal hospital’s planned hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.