Batavia school board approves support for statewide ‘Vision 2030’ blueprint

Initiative calls for legislative changes to enhance student safety, teacher retention, and student proficiency measurements

Tom Kim began his tenure as superintendent of Batavia Public School District 101 last month.

The Batavia Public School District 101 board adopted a resolution supporting Vision 2030, a roadmap for policy priorities several school districts want the state to prioritize in enhancing academic opportunities.

“Vision 2030 provides an aspirational framework to achieve educational excellence while maintaining fiscal responsibility,” said Superintendent Tom Kim in a release. “This approach will help us better serve our students, support our educators, and strengthen our educational programs.”

The academic blueprint was spearheaded by eight statewide education associations to create a framework of legislative goals and policy changes to improve public education, according to the release.

Four of the main aspects of Vision 2030 include policies suggested to improve student safety, emphasizing teacher retention, enhancing post-secondary success, and improving measurements of student proficiency and success.

“Our support for Vision 2030 reflects our dedication to preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow,” said Board President Craig Meadows in the release. “This initiative aligns with our district’s strategic plan priorities to provide innovative, high-quality education while being responsible stewards of public resources.”

Some of the statewide partners who developed Vision 2030 include the Illinois Association of School Administrators, the Illinois Association of School Boards, and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials.

Several school systems throughout the state joined BPS 101 in supporting the Vision 2030 legislative initiative, including Yorkville School District 115.