2025 Election Questionnaire: Angela Churchill, St. Charles City Council, Ward 2

Angela Churchill


Angela Churchill

What office are you seeking?

City of St. Charles 2nd Ward Alderperson

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Senior Executive Administrator for a publicly traded global company

What offices, if any, have you previously held?



St. Charles

Campaign Website:



Graduate of Robert Morris University (Chicago)

Community Involvement:

I have been a City Commissioner for the St. Charles Natural Resources Commission (NRC) since 2019 and have had the privilege of serving as Co-Chair on numerous occasions in the chairperson’s absence. Additionally, I contribute to an NRC ad hoc team in an advisory role for the Dam Task Force. I also currently serve as Vice President of my Homeowner’s Association, a position I have held for approximately 10 years.

Marital status/Immediate family:

Please see my website.


How important is sustainability/eco-friendly energy? Major factors in decision to renew IMEA contract?

For those who might not know, we receive energy from Prairie State via contract with IMEA (who provides 80% of its power supply from coal plants). IMEA wants St. Charles (along with Naperville, Winnetka, and Peru) to sign a new contract 10 years BEFORE it even expires.

It doesn’t make financial sense to sign a 20-year contract 10 years before the expiration date. It is too early, technology is changing, and this contract will lock us into IMEA until 2055. We do not know enough about the IMEA resource planning and risk assessment to responsibly sign this contract.

From an overall standpoint, the IMEA deal, as it stands, should absolutely NOT be signed, and doing so would be highly inadvisable and irresponsible. An open bidding process to find a cleaner supplier of electricity can happen over the course of the next 10 years. We want a cleaner mix of energy. Say No to Coal!!

Is keeping the dam important to you? Why?

The Army Corps of Engineers and the dam owner, Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), are currently addressing either removing the dam with the IDNR bearing 100% of the costs to do so or transferring ownership, maintenance, insurance, and all liability to the City of St. Charles. The Army Corps is doing an additional study to provide more information and has extended its decision deadline until, I believe, Spring 2026.

I would love to keep the dam as it adds to the beauty and charm of St. Charles as long as it is safe for the community and economically feasible for our taxpayers to do so. There was some discussion about some modifications that sound like they would satisfy all who are interested, so I would like to hear more about that as well.

Are there any businesses you would not accept campaign donations from?

I would respectfully decline donations from individuals or organizations that do not represent the best interests of St. Charles.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

This is a federal matter that falls within their jurisdiction, along with the laws of the State of Illinois. The city must adhere to the applicable laws and ensure that all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

Charlestowne Mall: I will be in contact with the developer almost immediately to get the area addressed with the added challenges that are now at hand and get the focus on completion.

IMEA Contract: I will oppose the IMEA contract as it stands. IMEA is pressuring St. Charles to sign the new contract by the end of April 2025. It makes absolutely no sense to sign a contract 10 years before it expires and then get locked into a new contract until the year 2055 with zero explanation for their reasoning. Due diligence needs to be done, and transparency needs to be given. ALL St. Charles taxpayers need to be made aware of this extremely important issue. Transparency is an absolute must, and more involvement with taxpayers is essential.

Former Police Station Property: I will oppose any large-scale project at this location as numerous residents agreed this area needs to be kept at a modest development. I have additional ideas for this area mentioned on my website as well.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

Simply put, by making smarter choices and smart spending. As I mentioned in another question, for example, a better decision with regards to the Charlestowne Mall property would have been significant.

Another area of concern should be to preserve the remaining greenspace and the accessibility to the riverfront for the public at the former police station site.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

I understand that PACE On Demand is available in St. Charles. Exploring further opportunities to expand transportation options with PACE could provide additional mobility solutions for our community.

Additionally, it is important to continue implementing the recommendations from the Pedestrian and Bike Plan to enhance connectivity throughout our community. Improving crosswalks and expanding bike lanes will make it safer and more convenient for residents to navigate the area.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

Charlestowne Mall in my area (Ward 2) has been a massive eyesore and has sat vacant for YEARS with zero progress. Rather than prioritizing the redevelopment of Charlestowne Mall, as part of his platform in 2021, my opponent voted in favor of annexing unincorporated property zoned for single-family homes in DuPage County and approved the construction of approximately 350 apartments at the development known as The Springs. This poor decision will not only complicate future efforts to revitalize the Charlestowne Mall property but it will also create additional economic challenges.

You can find a copy of the letter from the Charlestowne Mall developer on my website, along with additional information, for everyone to read, stating as such. Needless to say, the amount of tax revenue that has been missing from St. Charles from this area is substantial. Ward 2 and the rest of the taxpayers of St. Charles deserve better representation.

Equally important is business retention, which plays a critical role in maintaining a stable tax revenue base. The Economic Development Director is available to support business retention, foster growth, and promote sustainable economic development that benefits the community. Additionally, providing responsible and strategic incentives to attract businesses to St. Charles is essential; however, these incentives must align with the city’s interests.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

Public safety should remain a top priority for our community, particularly regarding vehicles speeding in residential and school areas where the Police Department can implement traffic calming measures for added safety. Increasing the number of crosswalk staff in high-traffic areas is also essential to help ensure children’s safety as well as expanding and enhancing existing crosswalks by incorporating audio signals to improve accessibility to ensure all residents can navigate our community safely.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

St. Charles has an Equity and Inclusion Commission that actively addresses potential issues that may impact the public, such as accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges and ensuring transparency in public meetings for those with visual impairments. Additionally, the city’s Human Resources Department is available to address any related concerns. We are a welcoming community committed to fostering an inclusive and safe environment for all.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

Ensuring that the public is well-informed and confident in the integrity of its representatives is critical to fostering trust and serving the best interests of the community. It is essential for elected officials to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to maintain transparency and public trust. Implementing a formal ethics policy or set of guidelines for elected officials may be necessary. Such a policy would establish clear requirements for officials to disclose potential conflicts and recuse themselves from participating in matters where a conflict exists.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

My contact information is available and response will be of a timely fashion.