Plan to subdivide Geneva lot goes on to Planning and Zoning

Historic Preservation cautions that new construction be mindful of historic landmark

Neighbors of 1516 S. Batavia Ave., Geneva, are concerned that a subdivision of the lot would mean this 100-year-old oak would be cut down for a new house. Owners state they have cared for the tree and do not intend for it to be cut down.

Reviewing a petition to subdivide the lot at 1516 S. Batavia Ave. in Geneva, the Historic Preservation Commission’s comment to the Planning and Zoning Commission was to keep in mind that any new construction be considerate and mindful of the historic landmark.

The owners of the 1.94-acre lot are seeking to both subdivide and rezone 0.7 acres residential so a single-family home could be built there.

The property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Riverbank Laboratories, formerly owned by George and Nelle Fabyan, records show.

Neighbors Linda Valdez Karl and her husband, Bob Dynek, who live directly behind the garage of that property, said they were concerned about the possible removal of a large oak tree located on what would be Lot 2. The tree is where a sketch filed with the city shows the location of where a new house could be built.

Owners Fred and Bonnie Hackendahl said in an email that, “Since purchasing the Riverbank Laboratories property in 1999 we have professionally cared for the large oak tree. It is not our intention to allow this historic wonderful tree to be cut down.”

The Riverbank Laboratory PUD resubdivision process will go to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. The city will announce when the public hearing has been scheduled on the Development Projects Map on its website,