Geneva to conduct citywide mosquito spraying Wednesday

Clarke vehicles will spray a mosquito control application citywide from dusk Wednesday, July 17, to dawn Thursday, July 18, after a mosquito surveillance trap in Geneva tested positive for the West Nile Virus.

Geneva’s contractor will use a synthetic treatment safe for humans and pets. People with respiratory conditions should stay indoors with windows closed during and an hour after the application, according to a news release from the city.

Residents can report mosquito nuisances and water issues directly to Clarke via People can subscribe to receive advanced spraying notifications when registering.

The city also sends out mosquito spraying notifications. Residents can subscribe to “community alerts” by selecting the “Notify Me” button on the City’s website at

Mosquito control applications are subject to rescheduling due to weather concerns. Updates will be posted on Geneva’s website if necessary, according to the release.

For tips on preventing West Nile or any other mosquito-borne illness, visit