Local public libraries in Kane County have implemented varying policies regarding late fees and overdue materials. Here is a snapshot of how each library manages these aspects:
The Batavia Public Library is set to become fine-free for late items beginning Monday, July 1. When books and materials are overdue, no fine will be charged. Instead, when an item is overdue by 21 days, a patron’s library card will be blocked from checking out other materials. When the overdue material is returned, the block will be removed, according to a news release from the library. The Batavia Public Library is located at 10 S. Batavia Ave. For more information, visit bataviapubliclibrary.org.
The Geneva Public Library District does not charge late fees for overdue items, but if an item reaches 42 days overdue, it is considered lost, which requires payment. Fees for lost items can be paid online through the patron’s account or in person. If an item is damaged, the most recent borrower may be charged the cost of a replacement. The Geneva Public Library District is located at 227 S. Seventh St. For more information, visit gpld.org.
St. Charles
The St. Charles Public Library does not charge fines for most overdue items. Overdue fines for hotspots, which are $5 a day, and fines for projectors and screens, which are $10 a day, still apply. If an item reaches 21 days overdue, a patron’s account will be blocked until the item is returned. The St. Charles Public Library is located at 1 S. Sixth Ave. For more information, visit scpld.org.
The Town and Country Public Library is fine-free for overdue items. It is located at 320 E. North St. in Elburn. For more information, visit tcpld.org.