3 Recommendations to Boost Furnace Efficiency

Dowe & Wagner Inc - 3 Recommendations to Boost Furnace Efficiency

In anticipation of higher heating costs this winter, homeowners can prepare now by checking the efficiency of their furnace. Furnaces that are more than 15 years old often become less efficient, needing more energy to produce the same amount of heat.

To determine your furnace’s efficiency, check the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating on your unit. This information is also listed on the owner’s manual. The AFUE reveals how much heat the furnace can draw from the fuel source. To be designated high efficiency, a furnace must have an AFUE of 90% or higher.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the AFUE is the ratio of the furnace’s or boiler’s annual heat output compared to its total annual fossil fuel energy consumed. At 90%, 90% of the energy in the fuel becomes heat, while 10% escapes up the chimney or elsewhere.

“You can boost the efficiency of your current furnace,” explains Tom Eppers, co-owner of Dowe & Wagner, a full-service heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning company serving residential and commercial customers in Illinois and Wisconsin. His recommendations:

1. Replace your air filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A clean filter allows air to flow swiftly through your unit, without struggling through trapped debris.

2. Schedule a seasonal cleaning and tune-up now, to catch any problems before they can damage your system and make it work harder.

3. Check that your home is properly insulated, to prevent heat loss through drafty window leaks or worn-out insulation.

The DOE adds that furnaces and boilers can be retrofitted to increase their efficiency. These upgrades improve the safety and efficiency of otherwise sound, older systems. The costs of retrofits should be carefully weighed against the cost of a new system. Some furnaces older than 15 years can unfortunately have an efficiency rating below 56%.

For more information, or to schedule a seasonal tune-up of your furnace, please contact:

Dowe & Wagner : 11215 Commercial Street : Richmond, IL 60071 : 815.678.3000 : http://doweandwagner.com/

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