"I was saddened to see not once but twice the picture of the memorial to the two young men who killed a valued community member and altered forever the life of a young person," Wallace Buttrill of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.
"As I struggled to stay on my feet, about six kindly people stopped in both directions help me before I got hurt," Patricia James of Cary writes in a letter to the editor.
"I thought Republicans were the party of SMALL government and LOW taxes. What a joke. To all 17 taxing bodies on my tax bill, STOP THE SPENDING and control yourself," Chuck Berndt of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.
"When times are tough, people make tough choices as to where they will cut spending to make ends meet. Government should do the same," Linda Hoch of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.
"It’s so inspiring to see our community rally together to support those in need. Local businesses and services also generously donated, enhancing the spirit of giving," Donald Huebner of Woodstock writes in a letter to the editor.
"The generous donations, especially in these trying times, is a blessing which will be rewarded in kind one day," writes Daniel P. Cwiak of McHenry Knights of Columbus in a letter to the editor.
"America is already great," writes Ron McKee of Marengo in a letter to the editor.
"During this very divided election period, let respect and love be our go-to words," Lee Ann Lord of Spring Grove writes in a letter to the editor.
"One party is about lifting up and the other party is pulling us down," Tina Uselding of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.