"I wholeheartedly endorse Tim Carone for Algonquin Township highway Commissioner. Tim has the knowledge, experience and leadership to bring positive change," Prairie Grove Trustee Lisa Behm said in a letter to the editor.
"I am voting for Danijela Sandberg for Algonquin Township highway commissioner in the upcoming Republican Primary to be held Feb. 25," John Bobrytzke of Cary writes in a letter to the editor.
"Randy Funk has done so many great things for the area over the years. Someone needs to stand up to the attempted political smear by current" township trustees, Hans Goll of Woodstock writes in a letter to the edit.
"Randy Funk has done a lot for the township. Imagine what he could do if he had a team willing to work with him," Dylan Hakansson of Crystal Lake write in a letter to the editor
"No amount of Wayne Jett signs littering McHenry since November can detract from Jett’s eight years of failure as mayor," Tony Esposito of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.
"The Crystal Lake Lions would like to thank all the supporting local businesses that offered raffle prizes and paid endorsements for our largest fundraiser of the year," Rob Parrish, president of the Crystal Lake Lions Club, writes in a letter to the editor
"As voters, haven’t we had enough of politicians who think they know better how to spend our money and who push their agenda on us?" Sue Lambrakis of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.
"How many of you living in Marengo-Riley Township are aware of the current petition for more gravel pit gimmes – the addition of a ready mix plant for the 114 acres adjacent to the already existing pits along Maple and Coral?" writes a letter to the editor.
"There is only one way to view the Herald’s new policy on only accepting Letters to the Editor on local issues … that they are trying to limit information and discussion among citizens," Jeff Varda of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.