"When contemplating your vote in the upcoming presidential election, picture this: On Jan. 6, millions of horrified Americans watched on TV as an angry mob attacked the U.S. Capitol," Carole Elsner of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"Trump now uses “beautiful” to describe some of the goofiest things," Helen Torscher of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"In the West, contemporary politics would have folks believe that the crises in the world are the fault of Russia, China and anyone who opposes the Rules based Order," Nicholas C. Kockler of Woodstock writes in a letter to the editor.

"Hasn’t everyone had the time to understand that Donald Trump is really just a latent wannabe stand-up comic (albeit a bad one). Mr. Trump is not interested in being the president at all," Mark Arctander of Woodstock writes in a letter to the editor.

"Election 2024 is in the hands of the single issue voter to look at Democrat policies, look beyond abortion rights, and look to save our country," Robert Meale of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"Donald Trump had no problem desecrating Arlington National Cemetery, Section 60 and the gravesite of a fallen soldier. ... No problem at all," Dawn Kristensen of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.