An electronic sign outside a Palatine church has sparked controversy with its use of metaphorical immigration-related language.
“Heaven has strict immigration laws, hell has open borders,” according to the sign at New Hope Community Church, 1023 E. Palatine Road.
The church is near Winston Campus Middle School, 900 E. Palatine Road, which has a substantial Hispanic student population.
In a Facebook post, church officials distanced themselves from perceived anti-immigration sentiment, writing that the sign’s intent is for “the community to examine their relationship with Almighty God.”
“We understand that immigration is a hot topic today and wanted to use that to turn people’s attention heavenward,” the post reads. “People are getting triggered by the word ‘immigration.’ We took a stand on ‘immigration’ to heaven, not to the United States.”
Whatever the intent, Lisa Beth Szczupaj, president of the Palatine Elementary School District 15 Board, had harsh words for the message and requested that the church change the sign.
“It is unfortunate that a couple of phrases that some adults feel to be clever are posted in the face of many innocent schoolchildren having to ask parents, friends and adults what they mean and why,” she said in a statement. “Pulling kids into the edginess and politics of the moment is absolutely inappropriate and causes real fear for our school-age children.”
The relationship between the school district and the church has been rocky for years. Church leaders in the past have confronted district officials about book content in school libraries and other teachings.
Palatine Village Manager Reid Ottesen said the village has no role to play in the matter. The message board, he said, is a legally approved sign. The village cannot regulate content as it does factors such as size and location.
“It’s a legal sign,” he said. “Its content is protected by the First Amendment.”