Review: Timelines intersect in stunning ‘Galileo’s Daughter’

Remy Bumppo dazzles with world premiere in Chicago

"Galileo's Daughter" review

Seeing the world premiere of a new play can be an exciting experience, especially when that play comes from a celebrated playwright such as Jessica Dickey, and is produced by a troupe as highly respected as Remy Bumppo Theatre Company.

“Galileo’s Daughter” is making its grand entrance into the world of live theater with a stunningly good production at Chicago’s Theater Wit.

Dickey is an acclaimed playwright who has been heralded by critics for her off-Broadway masterpieces. Chicago previously saw a sold-out run of her play “The Rembrandt,” starring John Mahoney at Steppenwolf Theatre. She has created programs for television, and in May will see the publication of a new book from Pilgrim Press.

“Galileo’s Daughter” is a semi-autobiographical tale inspired by Dickey’s real-life experience of going to Italy to research the actual letters of Sister Maria Celeste, the illegitimate daughter of famed astronomer, physicist and engineer Galileo Galilei.

His story is generally known. Galileo is credited with defining the laws of motion and introducing the principles of relativity. Of particular relevance to this play, he is credited with improving the design of the telescope that enabled him to observe the universe.

It is while observing the sky that he came to the realization the Earth rotates around the sun, which contradicted the era’s interpretation of the Bible putting the Earth at the center of the universe. The conflict led to Galileo facing trial by the Catholic church for heresy, and being forced to recant and spend the rest of his life under house arrest.

Many probably don’t know of the existence of Galileo’s daughter in history, much less that she was instrumental in his research and herself excelled in many areas of science.

Galileo had three children, all out of wedlock: Virginia born in 1600, Livia born in 1601, and Vincenzo born in 1606. However, this play only focuses on the relationship of Galileo with Virginia, who would take the name Maria Celeste upon entering the convent.

Like her father, Virginia believed in God and followed the teachings of the church, however, life in a convent was not her goal in life. But, in that era, girls had to be either married or in a convent, and girls born out of wedlock were not considered marriageable.

The play “Galileo’s Daughter” takes the little-known relationship between father and daughter and develops it into something truly touching – evoking sympathy, respect, enlightenment and even a few chuckles. All in all, “Galileo’s Daughter” is a well-rounded theatrical delight.

The play is also just as much about the character of a writer inspired by Dickey herself. Facing a life-changing event in her personal relationships, the writer travels to Florence to study the actual letters Sister Maria Celeste wrote to her father after entering the convent. In total, 124 of her letters were discovered. Those interested can read them via The Galileo Project.

"Galileo's Daughter" review

In the play, the writer’s goal is to compose a theatrical piece based upon her research into Galileo and Maria Celeste, and at the same time come to terms with changes in her personal life. But as she reflects on her journey to Italy, we see the workings of the writer’s mind spring to life as she alternates between observing the two subjects of her research and fancifully interacting with them.

As Galileo, Chiké Johnson gives a simply phenomenal performance. Johnson’s resume reflects an extensive background in theater, film and television – including Shakespearean roles. His performance as Galileo has the almost royal intonations one often associates with Shakespeare. He commands the stage with a regal elegance.

As Galileo’s daughter, Emily Bosco is making her Chicago debut. She is a highly adept actress who finds and displays all sorts of nuances in her character. While Bosco has a clear talent for delivering dialogue, she doesn’t need words to convey emotions. The scene in which she reluctantly enters the convent, giving up freedom for the rest of her life, is one of the most powerful in the entire production. Bosco’s face and body say it all.

Both Johnson and Bosco also portray additional characters in the play, doing an excellent job presenting clearly different personas. It is the ancillary characters who provide the most humor in the show, for a delightful change of pace in the 80-minute production.

Remy Bumppo core ensemble member Linda Gillum captures the attention and adoration of the audience right from the start. When Gillum introduces herself, the personal nature of her charm led many in the audience to think her the actual playwright. It is only as the play goes on that we realize she is not the writer of the show but the character of a writer within the play.

Gillum does an excellent job with the role. She is an incredible actress who knows how to command the spotlight when called for, and to cast a more subtle presence when needed. If anything could be added to her performance, it would be to instill more of that personal relationship with the audience as the play goes on. That is when she is truly magical.

Director Marti Lyons deserves a great deal of credit for the enjoyability of this fine piece of theater. The artistic director at Remy Bumppo, Lyons has staged productions for Chicago Shakespeare Theater, Lookingglass Theatre Company, Milwaukee Repertory Theater, American Players Theatre, Writers Theatre, Northlight Theatre and Victory Gardens Theater. Her production of Jen Silverman’s “Witch” earned her a Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Direction. “Galileo’s Daughter” marks yet another success for the talented director.

Instrumental in creating the magic of “Galileo’s Daughter” are the very detailed set by Yeaji Kim and the inclusion of projections designed by John Boesche. Sound design and original music by Christopher Kriz also contribute greatly, as do lighting design by Becca Jeffords, costumes by Finnegan Chu, and props by Amanda Herrmann.

“Galileo’s Daughter” is one to put on your dance card.

• Rikki Lee Travolta is an award-winning creative talent who has appeared throughout the country as a theatrical headliner, as well as in film and television. Visit


WHAT: “Galileo’s Daughter” presented by Remy Bumppo Theatre Company

WHERE: Theater Wit, 1229 W. Belmont Ave., Chicago

WHEN: Thursday to Sunday through May 14

INFORMATION:, Theater Wit box office at 773-975-8150

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