The present Nunda Township highway commissioner, Mike Lesperance, is up for reelection on April 1. Being the incumbent, one can look at his record while in that position. If you are a Nunda Township resident, ask yourself: Are you happy with maintenance of the township roads, are they plowed in a timely manner, are roadside easement maintained, trees cut, etc.? Then ask yourself at what cost to you the taxpayer? Look at tax bill line items Nunda Township RD & BR and RD & BR pension. Although they make up less than 3% of a Nunda resident’s total tax bill, they pay for most of the services one encounters every day.
New candidates tout lowering your tax bill, if elected. Mike has done this. Look at the above-mentioned line items of your tax bill for previous years. Over the last five years, the combined Nunda RD&BR tax rate has dropped an average of 5% year over year. Our observations are that for the taxes we pay to the township, the roads are well maintained, well plowed, easements maintained, and services provided at the township garage beneficial to residents. Given that these are results, not verbal campaign promises, we will be voting for “Iron Mike.”
Robert and Shirley Elder