Nunda Residents,
Good government like a good business starts with open communication, cooperation and collaboration. The Nunda Township residents living on Steuben Road in McHenry have had the exact opposite from the current Nunda Township road commissioner, Mike Lesperance.
Mike Lesperance vandalized our peaceful dead-end street. Without regard to natural habitats and endangered species, he cut down multiple mature trees, dug up driveways, and destroyed our ability to enjoy our homes in peace. He rebuilt our quiet street without engineering designs and stormwater permits. McHenry County did take exception and demanded “as built” plans. The work was found “out of compliance” per county standards which required additional costs and the road district to buy private property for “runoff,” costing $34,000 to taxpayers, said Nunda Township Trustee Rob Parrish, who is running against Lesperance.
This project started in December 2022, finishing October 2024, and during this time of chaos caused by Mike Lesperance, we were harassed, bullied, misled and gaslit. Not to mention the devastation and loss of integrity to our properties. This project culminated at taxpayers’ expense with the creation of an unneeded remote parking lot and trail for Moraine Hills State Park. This parking lot has already been visited by confused and “after hour” guests. Mike Lesperance has offered no safety measures for said lot which is inches away from private homes.
When going to the polls in April, please help all victimized property owners in Nunda Township and remove Mike Lesperance. We as taxpayers deserve communication, cooperation and collaboration on where our tax dollars are being spent.
Maria Parker