2025 Election Questionnaire: Richard Hilton, Wonder Lake Village Trustee

“I Voted” stickers for voters Tuesday, April 4, 2023, after they cast their ballots in the 2023 consolidated election at Del Webb Sun City’s Prairie Lodge in Huntley.


Richard A. (Dick) Hilton

What office are you seeking?

Trustee, Village of Wonder Lake

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Retired Elementary/Middle School Teacher, School District U-46 in Elgin, IL

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

President (from 1994 -2023) Master Property Owners Association, Inc. For The Wonder Lake Area (MPOA)

Trustee & Commissioner, Village of Wonder Lake Police Commission

Founding Member and current secretary, Nippersink Watershed Association, a Clean Water Act 501c3 NFP

Administrative Assistant 1998-2025, Illinois Lake Management Association, Inc. a 501c3 NFP,

Secretary/Treasurer (from 2015 - to present), Wooded Shores Property Improvement Association, Inc.

Commissioner, City of Ottawa, Illinois Police Commission


Village of Wonder Lake, IL

Campaign Website:



Graduate of Northern Illinois University, with an undergraduate degree in Special Education and a Masters of Science Degree + 29 Graduate Hours-Elementary Curriculum

Community Involvement:

Founding member and current secretary, of the Nippersink Watershed Association, Inc. a Clean Water Act 501c3 an IL not for profit corporation. A grass roots organization. (Obtained a McHenry County CDBG Grant resulting in the establishment of a foot bridge over Merchant Creek in Wonder Lake, IL. and the development of the Merchant Creek restoration and public walking paths in a previously degraded wetland natural area). Our volunteer Watershed Manager has applied for and received over $3 million in grants in aid to address water quality and natural area protection and enhancement in Wonder lake and throughout the watershed.

As president of the MPOA, lead the organization in successfully completing a needed $6 million dredging project of our Lake that resulted in removal of 350,000 cubic yards of sediment, improved water quality, a 100acre increase of water for recreation uses and an improved fishery. Currently working to develop the sale of the sediment to fund future dredging needs.

Marital status/Immediate family:

Last December my wife and I together with our 3 daughters celebrated our 62 years of marriage.


Many of the new housing developments planned or recently built throughout the McHenry County area have been multi-family rather than single-family, and many are rentals rather than owner-occupied. What are your views on this trend? Do you support this type of development? Why or why not?

In my opinion, the type and style of housing is dependent on its location, demographics and community needs. I believe that a blend of multi-family and single-family housing, if properly planned, can be beneficial to Wonder Lake by creating a vibrant, diverse and sustainable community. With proper infrastructure in place, a mix of housing options, from apartments and condos to single-family homes can promote a difference in lifestyles, ages and income levels. It also will promote walkability and foster a sense of community by providing shared spaces and amenities. The benefits include maximizing land use, boosting the local economy, and allowing for more energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and access to a greater number of amenities and enhance security. The key is to find a balance that works for the Wonder Lake community by taking into account, our unique character, infrastructure needs and goals.

A recent study commissioned by the McHenry County Board found a need for more workforce housing in the county. Do you support any form of subsidized housing to address that need? Is there enough affordable housing in the community and, if not, how would you attempt to address that?

Because the Village of Wonder Lake boundaries currently encompass approximately one third of the total Community area, I favor a collaborative approach at the local level to utilize the expertise of both Greenwood and McHenry Townships, and McHenry County. to: (1) Conduct a housing needs assessment to identify the demand for workforce housing, to include the type of housing needed, the income ranges of the target population and the locations where housing is most needed. (2) update zoning and land-use regulations. (3) Develop incentives such as tax credits and TIF districts that will encourage the development of workforce housing. (4) Establish a workforce fund utilizing low-interest loans and grants to provide financing for workforce housing. (5) Collaborate with developers and provide support for workforce housing projects. (6) Help to preserve and upgrade existing affordable housing by providing resources and grants for maintenance and rehabilitation. My goal is to help ensure that our residents have access to affordable, safe and decent housing.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

I strongly believe that local law enforcement should not take an active role in the removal of illegal immigrants. Why? (1) Immigrant enforcement is a federal responsibility and ICE is the primary agency responsible for enforcing immigration laws. (2) Illinois Trust Act prohibits local law enforcement from detaining individuals based solely on their immigration status. However, I believe that local police should cooperate with ICE when necessary in the investigations of crimes. (3) Local police departments should focus on building trust within their communities, including immigrant communities. Involvement in immigration enforcement can erode that trust and make it more difficult for police to effectively serve and protect their communities. (5) The Wonder Lake police department has limited resources and needs to prioritize addressing local crime and public safety issues. By focusing on these core responsibilities and following state and federal guidelines the Wonder Lake Police Dept. can maintain community trust, ensure public safety and avoid the diversion of resources from their law enforcement priorities.

What are your top three priorities for our city, and how do you plan to address them?

1. Support policies and plans that will continue to protect and enhance the quality of life for Wonder Lake residents. I was very involved in the annexation of the Hancock Driver Business District into the Village of Wonder Lake. The reason being, to assist in developing a feasible plan to provide needed sewer and water service to a business district that was no longer meeting a significant portion of the community’s needs.

2. Unify the Wonder Lake Community under one local unit of government capable of meeting the needs of a diversified population. As president of the MPOA, I provided the leadership necessary to annex the lake into the Village of Wonder Lake. This enabled subdivisions along our Lake’s eastern shoreline the option to annex into the Village of Wonder Lake. For some, the result is improved roads and a local unit of government administering local ordinances to protect and enhance our quality of life. It also provided owners of larger parcels of land the opportunity to .annex to the Village and develop their properties now known as there Meadows of West Bay and Stonewater. It also enabled the improvements to. Harrison School and the enhancement of small tributary waterways flowing into our Lake.

3. Support feasible utility infrastructure plans designed to provide an enhanced quality of life for all residents. As president of the MPOA, I assisted and helped to provide community support to the Village as it worked with the developers of the Meadows of West Bay and Stonewater, and the Hancock Drive Business District to establish wetland restoration, protection of natural areas and sewer and water service capable of expanding to serve the needs of the surrounding established residential areas.

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

Support and assist in developing plans that will address both economic and environmental sustainability within the Wonder Lake community. As a current Village Trustee, active member of the Nippersink Watershed Association and past president and current MPOA Board member, I will continue to provide leadership and collaboration efforts with these groups to assure that the sustainability of our Lake, natural areas and economic development to serve in concert with each, to further the protection and enhancement of our quality of life.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

By promoting and supporting policies and procedures designed to enhance public transportation and infrastructure within the Wonder Lake Community. I fully supported the decision to take control, manage and maintain the water and sewer services provided by the Village of Wonder Lake and encourage the expansion of those services to further meet identified community needs.

What role should the city council play in supporting local businesses and economic growth?

Help to create a business-friendly environment by streamlining the licensing process, reduce regulatory barriers, create utility infrastructure services, provide economic development incentives such as low interest loans, tax incentives and grants to attract new businesses, support existing businesses and encourage expansion and promote local businesses. Continue to support local business and entrepreneur participation through the Village sponsored Farmers Market and other community events organized by the Village.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

At the present time the Stonewater entrance and exit onto route 120 is a major concern. As the development progressed, the village and developer have worked with IDOT to meet the required need for a stoplight at this intersection. Over the years, the Village has enlisted a letter writing campaign by residents, met with IDOT officials in Springfield on several occasions, conducted personal face to face meetings with IDOT officials and local politicians and gained support from surrounding municipalities and school districts. At the present time IDOT has requested an updated traffic study which the Village Board has authorized and contracted to obtain. In the meantime safety concerns continue. The Village will continue to enlist all available resources necessary to accomplish the placement of a stoplight at this intersection. Additionally, we will continue to pursue feasible alternative entrances and exits for the Stonewater subdivision residents.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

I will oppose any and all proposed regulations and/or ordinances that are intended discourage or restrict inclusion.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

I personally support and this matter is mandated by the State of Illinois and administered through the McHenry County Clerk’s office. If I become aware of any conflict of interest I will report it to the authorities.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

My name and contact information (email address) is listed on the Village of Wonder Lake website.

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