Northwest Herald

Rizzi: Conference for IDD caregivers Saturday at Woodstock High; resources for families

Every March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) and partners collaborate to lead Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM). The annual campaign highlights how people with, and without, disabilities come together to form strong communities.

There are almost 32,000 children and adults with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (IDD) that receive support from the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Developmental Disabilities (IDHS/DDD) and over 500 individuals that are awaiting services to be approved by IDHS/DDD in McHenry County. All these individuals have Caregivers in some fashion who often are family members or paid Direct Service Professionals. This month, McHenry County Mental Health Board (MCMHB) is a co-sponsor of the Caregiver Conference on March 8 at Woodstock High School.

Caregivers, family members and professional providers are invited to attend this conference from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 8 at Woodstock High School, 501 W. South Street, Woodstock. It’s a wonderful opportunity for those caring for family members or clients with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. There will be learning opportunities as well as resource agencies available.

Keynote Cindy Sullivan, MSOL, will present along with others on the topics of “Future Planning & ABLE Accounts,” “Illinois Assistive Technology,” “Self-care for Professionals,” “Guardianships” and “Effective Educational Advocacy Strategies, Building Connections with Emergency Responders.”

Gary Rukin, trauma informed coordinator for McHenry County Mental Health Board, will present on “Trauma Informed Approach for Support Staff”: a new approach to working with difficult situations.

The MCMHB funds several IDD programs in our community who will be present on this day among many other providers. For example, Options and Advocacy (O&A) is another resource for families who are having difficulty accessing services and those who are on the list with IDHS/IDD awaiting services to be approved. The MCMHB funds the O&A Autism Resource Center, including a bilingual (Spanish) navigator.

Clearbrook and Pioneer Center each provide MCMHB-funded programs for residential and group home support, day programs, employment services, case management, family respite services and coordination of care.

Ascension Crystal Lake, through MCMHB funding, provides services to individuals with autism.

The MCMHB also supports the Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA), which provides year-round special recreation programs so that people with disabilities may participate actively in their community in the least restrictive setting. MCMHB also supports access into their Day Treatment, Respite Services and Leisure Education Adventure Program (LEAP).

All these providers and more will be available at the conference.

McHenry County Mental Health Board is a cosponsor of the event with Hammortree Financial Services. There will be an expo of vendors to serve the needs of caregivers and families. Continuing education units are available for professionals. Complimentary lunch is included and networking among attendees is encouraged. The event is open to the public.

For more information and registration, contact Angela Krambeer at or call 815-477-4720, ext. 258.

Our county offers and supports many of the mental health resources that can be found on our website: or on the MCHELP app, which can be downloaded for free to your smartphone. MCHELP also provides 24/7 access to mental health professionals via voice or text for everyday issues and concerns. If you or someone you know is in crisis, dial 988 for the national Suicide Prevention Crisis Lifeline.

Remember, you are not alone.

• Leonetta Rizzi is executive director of the McHenry County Mental Health Board.