I’m writing in response to a letter to the editor dated Feb. 1, regarding the censuring of Algonquin Township Supervisor Randy Funk.
I’ve had the opportunity to interact with Randy over the years. He has always put the needs of others first.
Randy oversaw getting a single waste hauler into unincorporated Cary. The average quarterly bill went from $186 to $114 to $66.
I attended the Lion’s Club Steak Fry Saturday. There were over 750 people there. Mr. Funk has been running the event for 25 years as a member and as past president of the club. This fundraiser raised almost $100,000 for the needy.
Randy Funk has done so many great things for the area over the years. Someone needs to stand up to the attempted political smear by current Algonquin Trustees Teresa Decker, Theresa Fronczak and Millie Medendorp.
A censure is nothing more than an expression of disapproval, with no legal ramifications. A trustee can draw one up, and since they’re all working in alliance, they can pass it with a majority vote. The issue is that they took it to an attorney to execute, wasting $8,900.
Decker, Fronczak and Medendorp also went around the township counsel, hiring an outside attorney without any authorization. He submitted a $34,000 legal bill to the township that wasn’t approved. The Township is now fighting this in court, at taxpayer expense.
Randy Funk is devoted to helping the community. What he needs is a team of people willing to work with him.
Hans Goll