Letter: Danijela Sandberg is ‘true public servant’

Letter to the Editor

I am voting for Danijela Sandberg for Algonquin Township highway commissioner in the upcoming Republican Primary to be held Feb. 25. Danijela is a true public servant who worked as an office manager in the highway commissioner’s office and then decided to run for the top spot. Voters embraced her candidacy and she has served us well.

She is running for reelection this time and is running on a strong record of fiscal responsibility and transparency in the office. Danijela also has a proven record of constituent service by responding to issues that those who she serves bring to her. The highway commissioner is responsible for keeping our roads safe and accessible and she has done her job.

If you live in Algonquin Township, be sure to vote for Danijela Sandberg for highway commissioner!

John Bobrytzke


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