Letter: Downers Grove Library denounces anti-Asian hate crimes


To Our Downers Grove Community,

The library strongly condemns anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents that have risen in staggering rates throughout the country over the course of the past year. We strongly support our Asian staff and patrons, and are deeply troubled by the rise in anti-Asian rhetoric and actions. Since March 2020, over 3,700 hate-crimes have been documented against Asian Americans in the United States-- an increase of over 150%. These numbers only represent a fraction of incidents due to underreporting.

Asian Americans have endured a long history of discrimination, ranging from harmful stereotypes like the model minority to horrific policies such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and Japanese Internment Camps. Many political leaders have continued this tradition by using language that targets Asian Americans. Referring to COVID-19 as the “kung-flu” or the “China Virus” continues to promote xenophobia.

In the wake of the recent murders in Atlanta of eight individuals, including six women of Asian descent, the library reiterates its statement against xenophobia and racism. We denounce the actions of the murderer and vocabulary being used around his motives. Refusing to name the hate crime, painting a picture of a lone wolf on a bad day and reinforcing the fetishizing of Asian women ignores the systemic racism that continues to perpetuate false narratives.

We extend our deepest sympathy to the families and to the Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities. We stand in solidarity with them, and continue to support Black and brown communities.

The library pledges to provide equal access to all, including a space where all are welcome and treated with dignity and respect. We invite our community to stand with us in working as allies to build a more inclusive and welcoming world.

The Downers Grove Board of Library Trustees