There is a palpable feeling of momentum in Morris right now. In all corners of our city, work is underway to redevelop, improve or reimagine spaces and projects to meet the needs of residents and attract visitors to enjoy our community. People and partners are coming together to raise the tide all over our community. Here are a few highlights:
West Side: On the heels of the grand opening of the new Morris Hospital YMCA- a project more than ten years in the making and funded by $21 million in philanthropic support- 6,200 members are embracing a healthier lifestyle and finding ways to connect.
Next door, the newly renovated West Side Park will see its first baseball and summer seasons, where you can now find a third ball field, new pavilion, and revamped skate park.
Nearby, construction on twenty condominiums follows. This is the first phase of the Grand Oaks Subdivision of single and multi-family homes.
Meanwhile, property acquisition is underway as the Illinois Department of Transportation prepares to expand West Route 6 to four lanes, adding bike lanes and sidewalks.
East side: At least eight owner-occupied homes have been identified for rehabilitation, as part of the $650,000 Community Development Block Grant awarded to Morris in 2022. These funds will improve residents’ safety and dignity through major repair, while adding value to their own and neighboring homes. Once complete, the city plans to apply for funding in other census tracts on the east side.
A Phase II engineering study is nearly complete for the former paper mill. The results will determine the City’s next steps in purchasing the property and razing the building.
To the far east, the new Public Works facility is under construction at the corner of Ashley Road and Gun Club Road. The facility replaces a fifty-year-old building constructed in the flood plane. The new building is more than 30,000sq.ft. of office and workspace, allowing all vehicles and equipment to be stored indoors. It will allow easier access for residents and efficiencies for city teams during weather events and emergencies.
Further east, the new Haier/GE facility is open. It offers competitive wages for our labor force and additional revenue for our community.
North Side: Progress continues on the crosswind runway at the Morris Airport. This state- funded project will also allow for the widening and strengthening of the existing runway.
Additionally, major employer Costco is expanding its campus, which includes dry good storage and meat production. Fully built, Costco estimates it will employ 1,300 people, generating significantly more tax revenue for the area.
Downtown: The Morris Area Public Library is seeking bids for its $2 million expansion in the heart of Downtown Morris. Funded by an estate gift from the late Richard Colthard, the addition will provide a multi-purpose community space for the benefit of all.
The Morris Restaurant and Retail Association- a nonprofit collaborative and close partner with the City of Morris- has grown membership by 20% this year. This is catalyzed in part by new and expanding businesses like Keg Grove, Oleander’s, Field Day, and more.
McBride’s Morris will open next month, bringing new energy and significant foot traffic to the area of Jackson and Liberty Streets.
Morris is steeped in tradition of supporting our own, embracing those who choose to invest in our city, and providing a place where businesses and families can thrive. Though progress surrounds us, some things remain the same. We can all be proud of that.