7 aspiring leaders attend FBLA statewide workshop

Four members of Coal City’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America  were awarded Aspiring Business Leader Scholarships at the recent FBLA Summer Leadership Workshop. Recognized for their leadership potential were (from left): Lucas Pfitzenmaier, Kylee Kennell and Corinna Barkley. Not pictured is  Dylan Young.

The Future Business Leaders of America Chapter at Coal City High School sent seven of its officers to the FBLA Summer Leadership Workshop in Springfield.

The conference was energetic and inclusive, and sparked the students with new ideas and opportunities to network with students from all over Illinois, according to a Tuesday news release.

The conference provided the students with several hours to plan the activities Coal City High School’s FBLA Chapter will carry out in the coming school year. Representing Coal City High School at the conference were Kylee Kennell, president, Lucas Pfitzenmaier, vice president, Cade Poyner, treasurer,Dylan Young, secretary Corinna Barkley, reporter, William Johnke, historian, and Mason Hamilton, activity director.

“There were many great networking opportunities that created an overall positive experience,” Kennell said. “The workshop showed me what I could do to better Coal City’s chapter as president this coming year.”

This was a common experience among the other attending officers. Poyner said something similar: “I had a great time at the FBLA SLW. I had the opportunity to meet, build new connections with, and learn from several people across the state. We also participated in many team building activities that were so fun. To top it off, we ate awesome food with our new friends and dressed up for the etiquette banquet.”

The conference also included elections to determine state officer roles.

Coal City High School’s chapter of Future Business Leaders of America attended the Illinois FBLA Summer Leadership Workshop in Springfield. Taking part were (from left, seated): Corinna Barkley and Kylee Kennell. Standing: Lucas Pfitzmaier, Dylan Young, William Johnke, Cade Poyner and Mason Hamilton.

Barkley shared her experience of the election process.

“I was excited to be an elected delegate to vote for the positions of treasurer, secretary, and president,” Barkley said. “I was eager to cast my vote for my chapter, hoping my chosen candidates would win.”

While at the conference, four students received the Aspiring Business Leader Scholarship. This scholarship recognizes a student’s business leadership potential that will meet the future needs of careers in government, business, industry, and educational fields. The scholarship is designed to promote leadership development from participation in the Illinois FBLA Summer Leadership Workshop. Students receiving the scholarship were Lucas Pfitzenmaier, Kylee Kennell, Corinna Barkley and Dylan Young.

The Coal City FBLA Chapter is advised by Harlan Kennell.

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