Kane County Chronicle Athlete of the Week: Leah Palmer, Geneva, basketball, senior

Geneva junior Leah Palmer. Photo courtesy of Geneva athletics.

Name: Leah Palmer

School: Geneva

Sport: Basketball, senior

Why she was selected: Palmer scored 31 points and had 11 rebounds in a 52-44 win over Batavia on Dec. 15. Palmer was chosen Kane County Chronicle Athlete of the Week by online voters. Chronicle sports reporter Jacob Bartelson caught up with Palmer to discuss her season, teammates and more.

Bartelson: As we talked before, the season overall has been great for you. That doesn’t come without work coming into it. Can you give me a window into what that actually looked like? Shot alterations? Weight room, etc.?

Palmer: As soon as last season ended in March, I started going to GVN (Performance) in Geneva. Throughout the summer while balancing AAU, I weightlifted three times a week at GVN to make myself stronger and faster. I also saw my basketball trainer, coach Will Hobbes, two times a week throughout the summer. Along with that, I also went to the rec center to get shots up. I worked really hard on improving all aspects of my game and getting stronger.

Bartelson: Caroline Madden is well-established as a great defensive guard dating back awhile, but is there an aspect to her overall game that doesn’t get enough attention or praise that should? To me, you can argue her passing and assists. What do you think?

Palmer: Along with always guarding the other team’s best perimeter player, another thing that Caroline does very well is bringing the ball up while under pressure. She has great ball-handling skills that sometimes goes unnoticed. I really appreciate her ability to take care of the ball in high-pressure situations. Overall, she’s just a great player and teammate that preforms well when it matters the most.

Bartelson: I thought Peri Sweeney, Gabby Webb, Kinsey Gracey and others had nice stretches against Batavia. Perhaps just a broad thought on the rest of the roster and how it continues to grow around you as games go on?

Palmer: As our season continues, more and more players step up, which has been huge in our success. Kinsey Gracey has been a great shooter and scorer, Hope Ieler has amazing hustle and defense and Keira McCann hit two huge 3s down the stretch during the Batavia game. Whether it is Peri Sweeney scoring double digits or Gabby Webb hitting two big free throws, I have been very proud of my teammates and how they continue to step up and have big moments.

Bartelson: Every team has a culture and identity in the way it plays. You’ve been on it now your whole high school career. What’s the best way to describe that culture?

Palmer: The best way to describe Geneva girls basketball culture is special. We aren’t just teammates, we are also friends as well. We generally have so much fun together and I believe that is what has led to our success. During practice, we work hard while having fun. I have been playing with the same senior class since fourth grade, so it has been very special to play with my best friends the past two years. Whether we are singing bus ride karaoke after a win or having a team dinner together, it is always a blast.