La Salle 3rd Ward aldermanic candidates talk city expansion, businesses plans ahead of April 1 election

3 candidates give their perspectives

La Salle City Hall

While each open alderman seat in La Salle is contested, the race for 3rd Ward is the most contested in the April 1 election.

Incumbent John “Doc’” Lavieri is opposed by three candidates for the 3rd Ward aldermanic seat; Nicole Girton, Dani Piland and Jessica Dergance.

Lavieri said in a Shaw Local News Network questionnaire the city needs to be open to new ideas and think “outside the box” to grow and expand the city of La Salle.

“All municipalities are looking for growth,” he said. “You don’t want to spend time and money on projects that never happen. A project, no matter how good it sounds, has to be a net positive … Even old ideas can be resurrected to new life under different circumstances.”

Girton said the city needs to look into the Interstate 80/ Interstate 39 Corridor to grow and utilize the space available to the city.

“We are at the crossroads of two highly traveled interstates,” she said. “I would love to see some hotels, maybe some more restaurants and maybe some small shops. We are so much more than our downtown lets expand.”

As La Salle is close to Starved Rock, the city needs more reasons to bring people to La Salle to dine and shop, Girton said.

Piland, a La Salle business owner, said attracting new business, particularly from entrepreneurs who don’t call La Salle home, by demanding creative marketing, robust community development, hosting family-friendly events and beautifying the retail corridors.

“I see clear and consistent communication between the city and the business community as the biggest opportunity for growth,” she said. “As the city of La Salle considers how best to serve local businesses, establishing more regular forms of communication (newsletters, meetings) will be key to strengthening the dialogue, understanding the needs of our local businesses, and crafting municipal programs that best serve those needs.”

Girton agreed communication was key for the city when working with local businesses, adding the city needs to know how to help the businesses and the owners need to know the city is there to help and listen.

“I am all for supporting local and shopping and dining in La Salle. We have some amazing stores,” she said. “I love how we have Ghouls Night Out in October and Small Business Saturday the BBQ and Blues during the end of summer. These events bring people not only from La Salle but neighboring towns.”

But, in order to have this amazing downtown there has to be communication from both parties, Girton said.

Lavieri said he believes the city works with local businesses well, but they need to all be treated equally. He said it is difficult to attract new businesses, as the city can only set the tone and assist as much as possible to welcome owners.

“It’s individual decisions by entrepreneurs to risk their capital in La Salle,” he said. “We have also tried several regional and national programs to attract interest in La Salle. We still suffer from some arrogant ‘near sightedness’ from 60 years ago.”

Shaw Local News gave all candidates the opportunity to fill out a questionnaire. Three were received. The questionnaires are available online.

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