IVCC to offer a 4-session Computers Basics and Internet Safety class

Class to meet Fridays from March 21 through April 11

Illinois Valley Community College's Ottawa Center, 321 W. Main Street

Illinois Valley Community College’s Continuing Education Department will offer a four-session Computer Basics and Internet Safety class from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fridays from March 21 through April 11.

Students will receive practical experience and a fundamental understanding of Windows 11, personal computers and safe internet practices, as well as essential skills such as powering on and logging in, typing basics, navigating desktop applications, internet browsing and email basics. They also will gain tips on staying safe online, including how to identify and avoid scams.

Computer Basics and Internet Safety will meet in Room 112 at the Ottawa Center, 321 W. Main St., Ottawa. The class ID is 19641, and the cost of the class is $149. To register, call 815-224-0547 or go to ivcc.edu/enroll.

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