The Chief Senachwine Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter honored three students with Good Citizens awards: Serenity Diaz from Midland High School, Ryan Carlson from Henry-Senachwine High School and Amelia Bouxsein from Putnam County High School.
At its March 7 meeting, the Chief Senachwine DAR Chapter members honored the Good Citizens selected by staff and senior students from their schools.
Students were selected for the characteristics of leadership, service, dependability and patriotism.
In introducing the honorees, Chairman Diana Williamson detailed their school and community volunteerism. Participants are encouraged to write essays, which can lead to a $5,000 scholarship at the national level of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Students introduced their family members and guests and shared their future career plans. Certificates, Good Citizens pins, a personalized Christmas ornament and a red-white-blue cord to wear at graduation were gifted to the students.
Following a program presented by Freedom Paws, a nonprofit organization created to train dogs as companions for veterans and First Responders with PTSD, a reception was held in honor of these young citizens.