Bureau County GOP to host gubernatorial candidate at March 15 dinner in Princeton

DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick will be among the speakers

DuPage County Sheriff James Mendrick (Paul Valade | Staff Photographer, October 2020)

The Bureau County Lincoln Republican Club will be hosting its annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, March 15.

Newly announced gubernatorial candidate James Mendrick will be on hand to share his views with attendees. Mendrick is the DuPage County sheriff and has held that post for almost three decades. He also is the first candidate to announce a bid for Republicans to reclaim the governor’s mansion.

Keynote speaker state Rep. Travis Weaver, R-Dunlap, will address dinner attendees. He is the representative for the 93rd House District, which includes Peoria.

The Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser will be at Ye Olde Underground Inn, 219 S. Sixth St., Princeton, with cocktails at 6 p.m. Information can be found on the Bureau County Republican Party Facebook page or by emailing bureaucogop@gmail.com for additional information. Tickets also are available at the door.

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