Milton Pope School in rural Marseilles announced its honor roll for the second trimester of the 2024-25 school year. Students in fifth through eighth grades who receive all As on their report card are listed on the high honor roll. Students receiving As and Bs are listed on the honor roll.
High honor roll
Fifth grade
Elizabeth Herman, Alexis Perry, Declan Roberts
Sixth grade
Shielisse Bermudez, Liam Blough, Ethan Green, Jillian Lamb, Lorna Reese, William Staszak
Seventh grade
Carter Gibson
Eighth grade
Lincoln Hebel, Cole Stoudt
Honor roll
Fifth grade
Jacob Ashton, Olivia Eib, Teagan Gibson, Alanah O’Neal, Ledger Polancic
Sixth grade
Alexandra Aubry, Vincent Jenkover, Sophia Maxwell,Carly Stoudt, Crosby Williamson
Seventh grade
Jennifer Coil, Jackson Fort, Louisa Jeppson, Eduardo Marquez, Damitri Sartori, Damon Witte
Eighth grade
Shianne Bensa, Cora Chapman