Reconstruction of Iowa Avenue from Main to Johnson streets in Streator may begin as soon as early summer.
The project includes the installation of a sidewalk from Main to Johnson streets.
The Streator City Council approved Wednesday an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the $1,775,500 project, funding with $750,000 from U.S. Rep. Darin LaHood’s Community Project Funding Grants and $169,000 from IDOT’s Truck Access Route Program.
The city will have to pay $856,500, with $700,000 of that coming from its motor fuel tax funds.
City Engineer Jeremy Palm said contractor bids are expected to be opened Friday in Springfield and work can begin in early summer.
The project will be completed in phases: from Main to Kent, halfway to LaRue Street, then the remaining portion around the corner to Johnson Street, Palm street.
As part of the project, the city will install curb and gutters from the 100 to the 900 block of Iowa Avenue. This stretch features a mixture of industrial and residential properties.
The grant from LaHood, R-Dunlap, was approved in a previous budget, under a program that allows members of Congress to earmark in the federal budget funds for 15 infrastructure projects within their district.
Mayor Tara Bedei has said previously Iowa Avenue is a key roadway to potential growth in the community, connecting potential manufacturing with Route 18.
In another item:
Bedei appointed Frank Ligori to fill out the remainder of Dean Chalkey’s term on the Plan Commission. Chalkey accepted a position with the city as community development director, meaning he can no longer serve on the board.