2025 Election Questionnaire: Nicole Girton, La Salle City Council, Third Ward

Nicole Girton


Nicole Girton

What office are you seeking?

3rd Ward Alderman

What is your political party?


What is your current age?


Occupation and employer:

Security @ LP Highschool

What offices, if any, have you previously held?

Planning and Zoning Commission


La Salle

Campaign Website:

Candidate did not respond.


High School Diploma

Community Involvement:

I am a member of the L.P.A.C (LaSalle Promotional Advisory Committee) Which means you may have seen me at Celebrate LaSalle either collecting 50/50 or working the beer tent. Judging the Hometown Halloween costume contest or helping with Breakfast with Santa during Miracle on 1st. I have also volunteered countless times out at the Celebration of Lights with greeting families as they came to the donation hut.

Marital status/Immediate family:

I am happily married to my Husband Mike of 3 years and I have on son who is 23.


What do you believe is the greatest issue facing the city of La Salle at this time and how do you plan to address it?

Our aging infrastructures in and around the city of Lasalle. What I mean is the sewer and draining system, water lines, pipes, roads and curbs. When I ran back in 2019 curbs was a major topic. But we also need to maintain where are water flows and drains. Some of the water pipes are over 100 years old. And everyone knows nothing lasts forever.

Work on holding people accountable for the appearance of there homes, too tall grass, garbage laying around, broken down cars etc. Start handing out citations and holding homeowners accountable.

How would you attract new business to La Salle?

I would tell new businesses that it would be a great opportunity. We are close to Starved Rock and two busy interstates. People love shopping at small local stores and love looking for unique stores and ideas. LaSalle has a little something for everyone.

What ideas do you have to grow La Salle? How should the city look at expansion?

I think that we should really look into the I80/I39 Corridor. Time to grow La Salle and utilize the space we have. We are at the crossroads of two highly traveled interstates. Would love to see some hotels maybe some more restaurants and maybe some small shops. We are so much more than our downtown lets expand. Especially being so close to Starved Rock we need more reasons to bring people to La Salle to dine and shop.

How can La Salle work with local businesses to provide a strong relationship between the city and business community?

Communication is key! We need to know how to help our businesses and they need to know that we are hear to help and listen. I am all for supporting local and shopping and dining in La Salle. We have some amazing stores. I love how we have Ghouls Night Out in October and Small Business Saturday the BBQ and Blues during the end of summer. These events bring people not only from La Salle but neighboring towns. But in order to have this amazing downtown there has to be communication from both parties. I support our downtown stores and always will. These small town stores need our support from our city council as well. We may be just a small town but we are a team and all need to work together to make things run smoothly.

Constituents, city staff and elected officials often have differing opinions and political leanings. How would you balance your personal ideology if your constituency, staff and elected officials differ from your personal beliefs?

I know we all have our own opinions, political preferences, ideas, and way of thinking. That’s what makes us all different. I don’t judge someone if they have a different view than myself. If it’s something that I am really passionate about then I will stick with my decision. But I am open to hearing what others have to say. And possibly making me change my mind. In the end we all need to come together and work as a team and come up with the best possible answer.

How would you address the need for affordable housing?

Look into more Grants and the Affordable Housing Act.

Should local law enforcement cooperate with ICE to identify and deport immigrants who do not have legal status to be in the United States?

no comment

How do you intend to balance economic development with environmental sustainability in the community?

By bringing in more retail, restaurants and hotels and less on industrial.

What are your plans for enhancing public transportation and infrastructure in the city?

The city already supports NCAT. And there are several other smaller public transportation companies. And more than likely a few Uber/Lyft drivers in the area. For a smaller town we have several options.

What are your top public safety concerns for our community and how would you propose addressing them?

Candidate did not respond.

How will you ensure that city policies promote inclusion for all residents?

Transparency. Our residents have the right to know what is going on with our city. They should feel included and heard and seen. Without our residents we wouldn’t have La Salle. You live here, you send your kids to our schools, you shop in our stores, eat at our restaurants, bank at our banks etc.

Not everything needs to be shared with the residents, but the things that affect them should be shared. Nothing good happens when secrets are involved.

Do you support requiring government officials to publicly disclose potential conflicts of interest, and how would you enforce this?

Being apart of the Planning and Zoning Board in Lasalle, I am already sending in forms for Conflict of Interest. If the govt feels it needs disclose this information then so be it.

If I have to vote on something that maybe a conflict of interest to myself, for example anything that may have to be with my place of employment, I would abstain from the vote.

How will you make sure you are accessible to your constituents?

I will be available to reach either by email or phone.

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