Friends of the Hennepin Canal hike to begin at Mississippi River

‘Bald eagle’ hike is 4.6 miles

A bald eagle flies through the air over Lock 19 on the Hennepin Canal on Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025 near Wyanet. About a 300 foot stretch of the canal remains unfrozen in that area allowing the eagles to have a healthy habitat.

February’s Friends of the Hennepin Canal hike will be from Lock 30 to Lock 32.

This portion of the hike is 4.6 miles in length and has been named the “bald eagle.” The hike starts at the Mississippi River.

The group will meet at the steel dam in Milan at 1:30 p.m. and will be shuttled to the Mississippi to begin the hike. The hike is open to the public. Dress appropriately.

Take Interstate 80 to Interstate 280 to exit 15 in Milan onto East First Avenue (Airport Road) going toward Milan. Take the first road on the right (Frontage Road) and follow it to the right to 14th Street NE past the warehouses back to the parking lot by the old steel dam.

For information, email the Friends of the Hennepin Canal at

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