Peru approves $7,500 proposal to perform a pool study

Architects to identify needs, wants for a new swimming pool

Ayven Michael of Peru slides down a slide into the water at Veterans Memorial Pool on Monday, June 17, 2024 in La Salle.

The Peru pool committee has taken another step in solidifying a municipal pool for residents as the Peru City Council approved a $7,500 proposal to perform a pool study.

Chairman Rick O’Sadnick said he believes the city is getting a lot for that amount of money and he loved the fact they were able to keep the money local by using Kmetz Architects.

According to the agreement, Kmetz will conduct a programming meeting to identify the needs and wants for a new swimming facility, study up to three potential build sites, review the site study findings, design and prepare a conceptual swimming pool plan, conduct a plan review meeting and prepare an opinion of probable construction.

O’Sadnick said since the referendum passed, the committee wants to utilize the hotel/motel funds and needs to be sure to stay within a framework.

“We’re going to make sure that the architects know what our limitations are,” he said. “And not aim for the stars — to come up with something we can afford as a city.”

He said the committee was unable to use the study the mayor presented in 2021 because of inflation.

“We have 2021 prices on those plans,” he said.

O’Sadnick updated the council on the pool committee saying the panel has made good progress.

“We’re eliminating what’s not necessary,” he said. “For our committee , we’re focusing on what we can do. Prior to a full council vote, our job is to gather as much information to present a plan to the full committee that can potentially pass.”

Former alderwoman Sherry Mayszak agreed the committee was going well — she wishes it could go faster, but understands it needs to follow procedure.

She said the committee looked at Washington Park and the city center as potential locations for the proposed pool, but nothing concrete has been decided.

Mayor Ken Kolowski announced Nov. 25 he had chosen O’Sadnick, Alderman Andy Moreno, Parks and Recreation Director Adam Thorson and referendum originator Mayszak to be a part of the committee. Peru resident Christine Mitchell, who is the former manager of the Spring Valley swimming pool, was added to the panel in December.

An advisory referendum passed in November, asking residents if the city should construct and operate a municipal swimming pool funded by the use of the hotel/motel tax.

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