The Princeton Knights of Columbus will host a community blood drive with ImpactLife, the provider of blood components for local hospitals.
The blood drive will be from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, at 616 S. Gosse Blvd. inside the school gymnasium.
Potential donors must be at least 17 years old (16 with parental permission) and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo ID is required to donate. For information about eligibility, call ImpactLife at 800-747-5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before Nov. 29 are eligible to give at this drive.
Blood donation is a safe, simple procedure that takes about 45 minutes to one hour. Individuals with diabetes or controlled high blood pressure may be accepted as eligible donors.
ImpactLife is a nonprofit community organization providing blood products and services to more than 100 hospitals and emergency medical service providers in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin, as well as researchers and resource-sharing partners across the country.
To donate, call Jim Whiteaker at 815-879-0181 or visit and use code 4138 to find the drive.