What’s the ‘pun’ of it

Dennis Marek

I have written about humor and how some types do not appeal to everyone. Often, some people do not get the joke at all. More times than not, it is because they think too narrowly and will not think outside the box.

This can happen as one reads a clue in a crossword puzzle. The mind gets set in one direction and does not contemplate another possible meaning of the word in the clue. The idea is to read or listen to a joke with an open mind.

Thus, the humor will appear. This is why I love puns. So, let’s lighten up a bit from Mayans and gaslighting and laugh.

The common definition of a pun is a joke exploiting the possible meanings of a word, or the humorous use of that word. It is the literary device that involves words with similar or identical sounds but different meanings. So, here we go.

What is Irish and stays outside all year? Paddy O’Furniture

What do you call a bullet proof Irishman? Rick O’Shea.

A friend said she did not understand cloning. I told her that makes two of us.

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put it down.

The invention of the shovel was a groundbreaking discovery.

But the invention of the broom was the one that swept the nation.

What noise does a 747 make when it bounces? Boeing, Boeing, Boeing.

I entered 10 puns into a competition to see if one would win. No pun in ten did.

Yesterday I saw an ad that said “Radio for Sale, $1, Volume Stuck on Full.” I couldn’t turn it down.

I didn’t think orthopedic shoes would help. I stand corrected.

I once dated a girl with a lazy eye. I always thought she was seeing someone on the side.

There was a big paddle sale at the boat store. It was quite an oar deal.

What do you call a melon that’s not allowed to get married? Cantelope.

Then you can use the pun by making slight changes to the statement and the response is the humor which makes you reread the first part.

My wife called me to say she saw a fox on her way to work. I asked her how she knew that it was on its way to work. She hung up on me.

I accidentally passed my wife a glue stick instead of a chapstick. She’s still not talking to me.

A husband said to his wife. “The guys at the club said that our mailman has slept with every woman on our street except one.” The wife replied, “I bet it’s Paula.”

Have you ever tried eating a clock? It’s really time consuming. Especially if you go for seconds.

Now my favorites.

I tried to come up with a carpentry pun that woodwork. I think I nailed it, but nobody saw it.

A lumberjack went into a magic forest to cut a tree. Upon arrival he started to swing at the tree when it shouted, “Wait. I’m a talking tree!” The lumberjack grinned and said, “And you will dialogue.”

I asked my friend to spell wonton backwards. He said “Not Now!”

Have a great weekend and laugh.