SYCAMORE – Sycamore Middle School will host its 38th annual Science Olympiad for students to work on science projects.
The Olympiad will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. March 20 at the middle school, 150 Maplewood Drive.
Students will compete in various event for gold, silver and bronze medals. The events include Windmills, the Egg Drop, Float a boat, Go for the Ozone, Marblous Mayhem and the Marshmallowpult. The theme of the Olympiad is “STEAM to the Future.”
The Olympiad also features games, booths, displays, hands-on science activities and experiences. Food and beverages will be available to buy. The school also will host its STEAM art show, book fair and eighth-grade “Innovative Thinkers” demonstrations.