Illinois agriculture group offers scholarships to women seeking ag careers

DeKALB – Illinois Agri-Women will award four scholarships to women who plan on studying agriculture.

The application deadline is March 31.

A $1,500 Helen Henert Agriculture Education Scholarship is available for a student majoring in agriculture education graduating from an Illinois school next year. The organization also will offer three $1,000 WCFA Agent of Change Scholarships to students who attended a Women Changing the Face of Agriculture Conference.

Applicants include former conference attendees and 2021 WCFA Online Curriculum student participants. The scholarships will be awarded to a high school senior, current college student and current graduate student. Applications can be submitted online. To apply, visit or

Illinois Agri-Women is a farm and agri-businesswomen organization working to promote a better understanding of agriculture and the family farm system.

For information, visit or

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