DeKALB – The Joseph F. Glidden Homestead and Historical Center’s next Soup-er Sunday program will feature a presentation on DeKalb-area photographs by wildlife photographer Michael Day.
The program will be at noon March 9 at the homestead, 921 W. Lincoln Highway, DeKalb.
Admission to the program is free for homestead members and $5 for nonmembers.
Day will share and discuss his hyperlocal photography project. Prints, calendars and cards also will be available to buy. The photographs document and share the beauty and various creatures found in Prairie Park and Northern Illinois University’s campus.
Day worked as an NIU professor of English and first-year composition program director for 20 years. He currently is co-authoring a book on Japanese people in Chicago from 1900 to 1940. Day also is working on a hyperlocal wildlife photography project.
Proceeds from the program will go toward the homestead. A house tour and soup also will be provided.
The Joseph F. Glidden Homestead and Historical Center is a nonprofit organization working to preserve the home and barn while providing educational opportunities to the public.
For information, call 815-756-7904, visit, or email