DeKALB – Northern Illinois University on Friday marked 17 years since five students were killed and dozens more injured in a mass shooting inside a lecture hall Feb. 14, 2008.
The community was invited to attend the university’s annual “Forward, Together Forward: Moment of Reflection” at 3 p.m. outside Cole Hall in DeKalb.
The annual day of remembrance is meant to mourn those who were lost and continue to honor their memories.
Catalina Garcia, 20; Daniel Parmenter, 20; Ryanne Mace, 19; Julianna Gehant, 32; and Gayle Dubowski, 20, were shot to death when a former NIU graduate student opened fire inside Cole Hall.
During the ceremony each year, five bells toll at 3:06 p.m. outside the hall, one for each student lost.
The university also established Forward, Together Forward scholarships, awarded to enrolled students, as another way to honor the slain Huskies. Scholarships are awarded annually.