Woman pleads guilty to stealing $90K from Sycamore music boosters

Deborah Baugus sentenced to 24 months probation after she used stolen club funds for gambling, to buy alcohol: Prosecutors

Deborah J. Baugus, 50, of Sycamore (right) stands with her defense attorney Dan Transier (middle) as Circuit Court Judge Marcy Buick (second from left) presides from the DeKalb County Courthouse Monday, July 15, 2024. Joseph Hodder (left) of the DeKalb County State's Attorney's Office is prosecuting. Baugus is charged with felony theft after prosecutors alleged that she stole about $90,000 in funds from the Sycamore Music Boosters Club while she was its treasurer between 2017 and 2023, according to DeKalb County court records.

SYCAMORE – A Sycamore woman pleaded guilty this week to stealing $90,000 from the Sycamore Music Boosters club and was sentenced by a judge to pay it back and serve 24 months probation.

Deborah Baugus, 51, pleaded guilty to one Class 2 felony count of theft in front of Circuit Court Judge Marcy Buick on Wednesday. Buick accepted her plea and handed Baugus’ sentence down. Prosecutors had alleged she used the stolen club funds to buy alcohol and for gambling, citing a witness who told police Baugus confessed to the crimes in front of them, court records show.

The judge also prohibited Baugus – who had served as treasurer of the boosters club between 2017 and 2023 – from attending any future booster club fundraiser or events, and to never contact any of its members again.

“It means she won’t be involved in any of their affairs,” her defense Yorkville-based lawyer Dan Transier said. “They have a new board. She will not be involved with any of their activities. And her children aren’t involved with the program anymore.”

Music Boosters funds are solicited from the public, through grants pursued by the club and often from parents of students who participate in Sycamore School District 427 music programming. They often go to pay for school equipment and other supplies used by students. The school district does not provide any funds to the club. Club members are volunteers and not district employees.

Baugus appeared alert and responsive to the judge during Wednesday’s hearing. When asked by Buick if she understood her sentence, Baugus said “Yes.”

Prosecutor Joseph Hodder of the DeKalb County State’s Attorney’s Office led the case against Baugus.

Transier said his client had planned a significant payment on her owed restitution Wednesday. He said Baugus was going to pay $22,500 Wednesday, with planned $500 monthly payments moving forward.

Baugus was not sentenced to any jail time. If she does not pay the full restitution, however, she could serve up to 180 days in jail, prosecutors said. She’s expected to appear in front of Buick in one year, July 30, 2025, to determine the restitution status.

Baugus was charged in December with theft after a monthslong investigation by Sycamore police, according to DeKalb County court records. The investigation was prompted after a witness came forward on July 15, 2023, alleging to police that Baugus had come to their house to admit to the theft.

The witness told police that Baugus allegedly also confessed to falsifying her treasurer’s report. The witness told police that Baugus said she “spent the money on alcohol and gambling,” court records allege.

When the witness asked Baugus why she stole the money, Baugus allegedly told the witness that “it was because there was no one to stop her,” according to court records. Baugus also allegedly told the witness that she began taking money from the club’s bank account before the COVID-19 pandemic, and that “the thefts got worse following it,” according to records.

An audit by the club’s new treasurer showed tens of thousands in missing funds from the club’s bank account, records state. Sycamore police later discovered that Old National Bank – formerly First MidWest Bank – showed multiple cash withdrawals from the account, each with Baugus’ signature.

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