Rileigh Wren, 18, is a senior at Sterling High School.
Donations will fund scholarships to send children to Camp Manitoqua.
Facemakers, a Savanna-based company that manufactures costumes, including those for team mascots, will be the topic.
Street closure began Jan. 29; expected to last one week.
Chef Stephanie Godtke will be the speaker.
"Breakfast with Seneca: A Stoic Guide to the Art of Living” by David Fideler to be discussed.
He and his dad paddled through 13 countries from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Belem, Brazil.
Several students from Dixon, Sterling, Rock Falls and Rochelle have been named to the dean's list.
Originally opened in 1987, Happy Joe’s Pizza and Ice Cream in Morrison is a franchised location owned and operated by Lynn and Kevin Kenady.