‘Tis the season for family bonding over pumpkin picking, hayrides and Halloween fun. From family fests at local farms to Halloween bashes, celebrate the fall season with these family friendly happenings.
Pumpkin Fest, Siegel’s Cottonwood Farm
17250 Weber Road in Lockport
Soak up beautiful fall colors during Pumpkin Fest, which is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. through Oct. 30. Enjoy over 30 activities including navigating the 10 acre corn maze, visiting with farm animals, and playing games such as giant Connect Four and corn hole. If you work up an appetite during your visit, there are plenty of food vendors on-site. Grab an apple cider donut as a snack or a slice a pizza for lunch. Admission is $19.95 weekdays (except Columbus Day), $24.95 weekends and Columbus Day, and $36.95 weekends and Columbus Day for an all inclusive pass. Kids 2 and under are free. https://ourpumpkinfarm.com/
Fall Harvest, Kuipers Family Farm
1N290 Watson Road in Maple Park
The fall season at Kuipers Family Farm is chockfull of family fun. Between the pumpkin farm and the apple orchard, youngsters will have the opportunity to pick their own produce. The farm itself offers a variety of fun activities including a jumping pillow, playground and duck races. In honor of the 75th anniversary of the beloved Peanuts comic strip, Kuipers has a specially themed corn maze to honor the occasion. Stop by the farmstand at the end of your visit to pick up some apple cider donuts, fall décor and other goodies. Hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday through Monday through Nov. 3. Check the website for ticket prices and information to order tickets online. www.kuipersfamilyfarm.com
Kids Matinee, Insanity Haunted House
3940 Route 251 in Peru
At night, Insanity Haunted House features over 10,000-square-feet of pure terror with rooms filled with creatures of the night, torture and terrifying screams. By day, youngsters can join in the fun during a special kids matinee from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sundays, Oct. 13, 20 and 27. This kid-friendly version of the haunted house scales back on the scary and amps up good old fashioned Halloween fun. Tickets, which can be purchased online, cost $20 per person and $30 VIP to skip the line. www.insanityhh.com/home.html
All Hallows Eve, Naper Settlement
523 S. Webster St. in Naperville
For two nights Oct. 18-19 from 6:30-10 p.m., Naper Settlement is transformed into a backdrop for eerie, spine-chilling performances and interactive experiences including a zombie maze, scary video games in the video game trailer and an alien autopsy. All Hallows Eve is recommended for families with children 16 and under. Each experience has a “scare factor” recommendation that can be viewed near the activity’s entrance and inside the event guide. Come as you are or wear a costume (no masks or weapons) for a chance to win a prize in the Dress for the Dead costume contest. Older kids and adults who don’t scare easily can take on the new outdoor Escape from the Unknown Haunted Experience, which takes visitors on a terrifying journey as they try to escape the terrors of the unknown. This add-on experience is $5 per person. Also new this year is Dia De Los Muertos, an immersive, artistic collaboration that celebrates the holiday and its customs while also providing educational elements including a breathtaking altar and folkloric dance. In addition, folks can make a Dia De Los Muertos art-print using a tortilla press created by local artist Salvador Jimenez Flores. Tickets cost $20 with children 3 and under free. Check the website for the full line-up of events and to buy tickets. www.napersettlement.org/285/All-Hallows-Eve
Monster Mash Bash, Oswego High School
4250 Route 71 in Oswego
Youngsters can come dressed in their Halloween costume Oct. 26 for a fun afternoon of crafts, candy, games and more during this year’s Monster Mash Bash, offered by the Oswegoland Park District’s 37th annual Monster Mash Bash. The event will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Cost is $6 in advance if pay online by Thursday, Oct. 24, or $9 per child at the door. Adults are free. www.oswegolandparkdistrict.org
Haunted Flea Market, DuPage County Fairgrounds
2015 Manchester Road in Wheaton
From 3 p.m. to midnight Oct. 26, vendors and customers dressed in costume will roam the DuPage County Fairgrounds during this flea market. Browse hundreds of vendors offering a wide range of offerings from old comic books and movie memorabilia to shabby-chic decor and collectibles. Past events have included a pumpkin carver, artists and hayride. Special guests include local horror legend Dr. Destruction, Storms Eclectic Realm and actress Kathy Garver from “Family Affair.” Admission is free for ages 12 and under, and $10 for ages 13 and older. www.zurkopromotions.com