The Scene

Bread & Roses Chorus to perform free concert in DeKalb

Members raise up motto: ‘make a difference with your voice’

Bread & Roses Chorus will give a free concert at 3 p.m. June 22 in DeKalb. 2024

Bread & Roses Women’s Chorus will perform a free concert at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 22, in Westminster Presbyterian Church, 830 N. Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb.

The theme of the concert is “Singing, Bring Us Home.” The songs celebrate community, belonging, and the immigrant stories of America, according to a news release. “The concert also celebrates all the wonderful things singing brings into our lives.”

Bread & Roses is a women’s chorus with about 25 members who love to sing and want to make a positive difference in the world. The chorus’ motto is “Make a difference with your voice.”

Freewill donations will be collected to benefit the Westminster Presbyterian Church Food Pantry and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of DeKalb’s Welcome Essentials Pantry.

“Singing, Bring Me” is one of the featured pieces for this concert, and the main inspiration for its theme. The words explore all the places, feelings and people that singing can bring one, but the sole destination that’s the same for everyone is home.

“For the chorus, singing is what brings us together from a variety of locations, backgrounds, passions and beliefs; for others, it could more broadly describe their journey as they seek to find their way in the world,” according to the release.

All community members are welcome to attend the free concert, followed by a short reception.

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