Letter: Vote for Mary Kay O’Brien

Typewritter, letter to the editor

I always pay close attention to the elections for the Supreme Court of Illinois—one of the three co-equal branches of Illinois’ Government.

Elections for the Governor and Legislature typically garner more attention, but the decisions of our Illinois Supreme Court affect all Illinoisans. The Citizens of Illinois are fortunate to have the protections afforded to us by the Constitution of the United States of America. And we are also fortunate to have the protections of the Constitution of the State of Illinois — which are sometimes broader than that of the Federal Constitution. In Illinois, our Supreme Court is tasked with guarding the protections of the Illinois Constitution, so we must not overlook or ignore the people who make up the Court.

With these principles in mind, I am pleased to endorse Justice Mary K. O’Brien in her campaign for the Supreme Court of Illinois. I have interacted with the Supreme Court of Illinois and the Illinois judiciary with frequency throughout my career and, based on my experience, I trust that Justice O’Brien will make an excellent Supreme Court justice.

I endorse Justice Mary Kay O’Brien to join this important institution. Justice O’Brien has served, with distinction, on the Illinois Appellate Court for over 18 years, hearing more than 4,500 cases. Her written decisions are thoughtful, practical and well-reasoned. Like me, Justice O’Brien grew up in rural Illinois. That is not lost on me and I have found that Justice O’Brien applies the same Illinois common-sense that I have always applied during my career. - Dan K. Webb, Former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois (1981-1985)

Elections matter. Your vote matters. I ask that you consider voting to elect Justice Mary Kay O’Brien to the Supreme Court of Illinois, Third District, in the 2022 Illinois Midterm General Election on November 8.

Dan K. Webb

Co-Executive Chairman, Winston & Strawn LLP

Former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois (1981-1985)

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