Approximately 20 cadets in the Lockport Township High School Junior ROTC program stepped to help an elderly resident in the Fairmont neighborhood with some much needed yard cleanup.
They spent a day in April clearing the resident’s property of debris.
The resident reached out to her Will County board representative Annette Parker, District 9 (R-Crest Hill for helping in cleaning up her property.
“People had unfortunately been dumping garbage on this resident’s property for some time and she was unable to remove the debris because of her age and health,” Parker said in a news release from Will County. “Many elderly people also don’t have the means to hire a cleanup service and so this resident asked if I knew of any help that might be available.”
Parker contacted the Lockport Township High School Junior ROTC program to see if any students would like to volunteer. The cadets cleared the senior’s yard of a number of items, including half a dozen car tires, brush and other garbage.
Participants included: Damien Rosario, senior (project officer); Hunter Close, sophomore; Mia Mireles, junior; Taylor Piontek, junior; Maya Hernandez, sophomore (and her mother); Stephen Finlon, junior; Benjamin Schroeder, freshman; Kyle Collins, freshman; Madison Young, sophomore; Conor McClain, freshman; Nathan McCurrie, freshman; Logan Roach, freshman (and dad); Emily Slota, sophomore; Aiden Wojciak, freshman; Aiden Jilek, junior; Jack Cunningham, freshman (and his father); Retired Lt. Col. Dion Scaglione, senior aerospace science instructor; and Retired Master Sgt. Andy Kinne.
A volunteer crew from the local landscaping company Latin Pavers removed overgrown trees and plants from the senior’s property, the release also said.