Rep. Foster backs federal protections for abortion, decries ‘extreme’ restrictions

Congressman argues laws restricting abortion access are not in line with the majority of American public opinion

bill foster, congress

U.S. Rep. Bill Foster stated his support for federal protections of abortion access as some states have passed laws restricting the procedure.

“Our message is clear: Politicians should stop trying to make deeply personal health care decisions for someone else,” Foster wrote in a letter to his constituents.

The statement came shortly after Foster visited Planned Parenthood of Aurora with Gov. JB Pritzker and other Democratic members of Congress from the Chicago area. The elected officials said they would protect reproductive rights at the state and federal level.

“We cannot take the availability of reproductive health care, including abortion care, for granted,” Foster said in the letter. “Elected Republicans in Congress and in state legislatures across the country have continually sought to ban all abortion care, control women’s health decisions, and criminalize doctors who provide care for their patients.”

Foster cited polling showing most Americans don’t agree with “extreme, draconian laws” restricting abortion. He said polling consistently shows most Americans do not support banning abortion access.

He said Democrats are working to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act which would protect access to abortion throughout the U.S. Foster added the bill could come up for a vote as soon as next week.

“I look forward to voting for this critical legislation,” he wrote. “We are going to keep fighting, both here in Illinois and nationally to ensure that all people have access to the services that they need, and that women can make personal health care decisions free from extremist politicians.”

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