Diocese of Joliet seeking organizations or parishes to apply for anti-poverty grants

The process is now open to parish-based projects.

Organizations and parishes may apply for Catholic Campaign for Human Development grants through the Diocese of Joliet.

The application deadline is May 1.

The campaign is the national anti-poverty initiative of the U.S. Catholic bishops to help organizations or parish-based programs “break the cycle of poverty and improve their communities,” according to a news release from the Diocese of Joliet.

Applicants must adhere to Catholic social teaching. Their initiatives must focus on at least one of the seven corporal works of mercy.

The seven corporal works of mercy include: feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, give shelter to travelers, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned and bury the dead

Applicant organizations or parishes may request grants of up to $3,500.

A diocesan CCHD review committee will examine the applications and make site visits beginning in May. The diocese will notify award grantees by July 1.

To request an application or for information, contact Tanya Singh, ministries of mercy advisor, at tsingh@dioceseofjoliet.org or 815-221-6128.

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